

git merge a file from another branch to current branch

git checkout <branch name> <path to file> --patch

git merge branch to another branch

git checkout master			# master is checked out
git pull					# update local
git merge new-feature		# merge branch new-feature into master
git push					# changes on remote. Then checkout a feature branch

git merge branch to another branch

git checkout targetBranch
git merge sourceBranch

how to merge from one branch to another in git

From what I understand, you have one remote foo, containing branch_1 and branch_2. First, we can't do merge operation remotly. We have to track the remote repository, do the operation we want locally (such as merging branches) and then push our new snapshot to the server.


    git clone [repo_adress]

You are on the master branch.

    You can then checkout or create other branches and do your work in it.

Now suppose we have the two branches branch_1 and branch_2. You want to merge branch_1 into branch_2 and then delete branch_1.

You checkout to branch_2 and then merge branch_1 with it:

$ git checkout branch_2
$ git merge branch_1

From there either the merge is smooth or you've got conflict. Once the merge is done, you can delete the merged branch i.e branch_1 by doing:

$ git branch -d branch_1

And then push your work:

$ git push

In case branch_2 doesn't exist on the remote, you've got to create it:

$ git push -u foo branch_2

Note that deleting branch_1 locally doesn't delete it remotely (considering that it exists on the remote). To do so, we are going to say to git: "push nothing to the branch i want to delete" ie:

$ git push remote_name :branch_name

To read like git remote push remote_name "nothing":branch_name.

Now is there any mean to do it automatically?

I don't know (although I would investigate post merge "git hook"), but I'm not sure we ought to wish it. Deleting branches on remote is somewhat hazardous. Doing so manually is a good way to be sure of what we are doing.

how to merge a branch into another branch

git checkout YourBranch
git merge develop

git merge branch into another branch

git checkout branch_to_merge_into #Get into the branch first
git merge incomingBranch #merge incomingBranch into branch_to_merge_into

merge branch from another repo

$ git merge --allow-unrelated-histories bar/somebranch

git merge another branch to current branch

git merge <branch-name>

merge another branch into current

git checkout branch_name // checkout to branch you want to merge to if not in it already
git merge branch_to_merge_from

merge branch from another repo

$ git remote add bar ../bar
$ git remote update

merge branch from another repo

$ cd foo

merge branch from another repo

$ git switch -c baz

merge branch from another repo

$ ls
foo bar

Code Example
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Source link
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