

resolve git conflicts github button disabled

git pull origin main

// long answer

I know this is little old post. But putting my answer as I also faced the same issue and I could solve it using following.

As shown in screenshot attached, you can solve this on your local using command line.

Fetch the branch which has conflicts. (say master branch)
Checkout to that branch.
Pull the code from another branch you want to merge it into. (Take a pull from develop into master )
OR Rebase the branch as: checkout to develop branch, then take pull into it git pull origin develop. Then checkout to master branch and do git rebase develop.
Now resolve the conflicts, add the changed files, commit it, push onto the branch you want to merge it into (in this case master ). It might happen that you don't have permission to do it. In that case you can push this branch on your fork, and then raise PR to main repo)
There is one more method.

Using GitHub Desktop. Just that, it is not available for linux from official site. For this you can check this link. Read the instructions in the README doc and install it accordingly.

And you can find the method to solve the conflicts using GitHub Desktop here.

Code Example
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Source link
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