

what is github

GitHub, Inc. is a United States-based global company that provides hosting
for software development version control using Git. In 2018, it became a
subsidiary of Microsoft for US$7.5 billion.

It offers the distributed version control and source code management
functionality of Git, plus its own features.

what is github

GitHub is a web-based Git or version control repository on the Internet with
a hosting service. It offers the distributed version control and source code
management (SCM) functionality of Git as well as adding its own new features.

what is guthub

Github is used to upload your code to back it up. You can also use the public code like you want, just make sure you respect the licence ;)

Code Example
Shell :: open folder 
Shell :: open file explorer from cmd 
Shell :: check openvpn working 
Shell :: get my ip address linux 
Shell :: where does pip install packages 
Shell :: install helm on minikube 
Shell :: git refresh .gitignore 
Shell :: update database syntaxn using nuget package 
Shell :: bash store pipe output in variable 
Shell :: hard link linux 
Shell :: gitignore not working 
Shell :: gitignore all files and folders in only one folder 
Shell :: how to check version of package centos 
Shell :: alphabetically order text file 
Shell :: how switching in git branches 
Shell :: top command 
Shell :: Comandos Útiles Docker 
Shell :: how to make top bar transparent ubuntu 
Shell :: debian EXPKEYSIG 
Shell :: windows list all files in subdirectories 
Shell :: Everything up-to-date git push origin main 
Shell :: list all commits for repo api github 
Shell :: How to check if ssh-agent is already running in bash 
Shell :: inicializar as credenciais no git 
Shell :: using docker as a managed vm 
Shell :: how to solve the brightness problem on unbuntu 
Shell :: git remote add ssh 
Shell :: for while bash 
Shell :: fix node gyp issue on linux 
Shell :: git create 
Source link
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