mysql -h localhost -u username -p database_name < backup_file.sql
# if your database is not locally hosted
mysql -u username -p -h dbhost dbname < filename.sql
mysql -u<user_name> -puser_password> <database_name>
source /path/db.sql
Source :
open cmd
set mysql path in cmd
set path=c:wampinmysqlmysql5.6.17in
For database import (Restore):
mysql -u YourUser -p YourDatabaseName < filename.sql
mysql>create database yourDatabaseName;
mysql>use yourDatabaseName;
mysql> create new_database;
mysql> use new_database;
mysql> source (Here you need to import the path of the SQL file);
mysql> source E:/test/dump.sql;
USE yourdb;
SOURCE D:/My Folder with spaces/Folder/filetoimport.sql;
mysql -u database_user -p --default-character-set=utf8 [db_name] < database_file.sql
//go to the DB-Connection, create a new DB
//Right-Click on this DB, Choose Tools > Import. Than choose the .sql-file.