

Object Information

--list all the tables         
SELECT name AS [Tables] FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'isUserTable')<>0
--list all the Scalar functions
SELECT name AS [Scalar functions] FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'IsScalarFunction')<>0
--list all the Table Functions
SELECT name AS [Table Functions] FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'IsTableFunction')<>0
--list all the Procedures
SELECT name AS [Procedures] FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'IsProcedure')<>0
--list all the Triggers
SELECT name AS [Triggers] FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id, 'IsTrigger')<>0

Code Example
Sql :: sql find record cannot cast date 
Sql :: inner join multiple conditions 
Sql :: doing calculations in mysql 
Sql :: Perfect solution if some records deleted for LAST_ID 
Sql :: how to check if sql query is correct online 
Sql :: sql bild in function 
Sql :: Get the First and Last Word from a String or Sentence 
Sql :: reading from right to left from string find first special characters in sql 
Sql :: normalization in database 2nd normal form 
Sql :: clickhouse greatest non-aggregate 
Sql :: sql select in where clause for when more than one records exists 
Sql :: inner joint 
Sql :: mysql drop table 
Sql :: mysql readable output 
Sql :: what is union in sql 
Sql :: mysql join 
Sql :: sql trim 
Sql :: psotgres multiple values 
Sql :: fatal database postgres does not exist 
Sql :: how to format tables in sqlplus 
Sql :: raven ql select count 
Csharp :: dropdown text mesh pro unity 
Csharp :: aabb collision 
Csharp :: quit button unity 
Csharp :: c# alphabet array 
Csharp :: Character Controller unity isGrounded is false 
Csharp :: check if process is open c# 
Csharp :: c# get free space on drive 
Csharp :: how to move a object in unity c# 
Csharp :: 3(x-4)-2(3x+4)=4(3-x)+5x+4 
Source link
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