

button in swiftui

Button(action: {
  //This part of the button is basically what the button does, it's "action"
}, label: {
  //This part of the button is what the button will look like, the placeholder

swift button

struct Button<Label> where Label : View
/*You create a button by providing an action and a label. 
The action is either a method or closure property that does
something when a user clicks or taps the button. The label is
a view that describes the button’s action — for example, by
showing text, an icon, or both:*/

Button(action: signIn) {
    Text("Sign In")
/*For the common case of text-only labels, you can use the 
convenience initializer that takes a title string LocalizedStringKey as its first 
parameter,instead of trailing a closure*/
Button("Sign In", action: signIn)

button swift ui

# Definition of A Button
# A control that initiates an action

struct Button<Label> where Label : View

Code Example
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Source link
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