

charts flutter

// The dart implementation of google charts library
flutter pub add charts_flutter 

flutter charts

/// Bar chart example
import 'package:charts_flutter/flutter.dart' as charts;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class SimpleBarChart extends StatelessWidget {
  final List<charts.Series> seriesList;
  final bool animate;

  SimpleBarChart(this.seriesList, {this.animate});

  /// Creates a [BarChart] with sample data and no transition.
  factory SimpleBarChart.withSampleData() {
    return new SimpleBarChart(
      // Disable animations for image tests.
      animate: false,

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new charts.BarChart(
      animate: animate,

  /// Create one series with sample hard coded data.
  static List<charts.Series<OrdinalSales, String>> _createSampleData() {
    final data = [
      new OrdinalSales('2014', 5),
      new OrdinalSales('2015', 25),
      new OrdinalSales('2016', 100),
      new OrdinalSales('2017', 75),

    return [
      new charts.Series<OrdinalSales, String>(
        id: 'Sales',
        colorFn: (_, __) =>,
        domainFn: (OrdinalSales sales, _) => sales.year,
        measureFn: (OrdinalSales sales, _) => sales.sales,
        data: data,

/// Sample ordinal data type.
class OrdinalSales {
  final String year;
  final int sales;

  OrdinalSales(this.year, this.sales);

Code Example
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Source link
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