

difference between never and void in typescript

never : for typescript function that will never return something, 
can be always running or throw some error (doesn’t have time to return).
void: for Typescript function that will return nothing.
any: for Typescript function where you are not sure of it returns.

Code Example
Typescript :: rite a script that prints “Hello, World”, followed by a new line to the standard output. 
Typescript :: factory design pattern typescript 
Typescript :: calling contract from ethereum 
Typescript :: conditional styled components with media query 
Typescript :: angle between two vectors 
Typescript :: check if file exists on s3 python 
Typescript :: how to send attachments to node mailer file not found 
Typescript :: typescript get all enum keys 
Typescript :: components of cucumber bdd framework 
Typescript :: verify if object is of a certain type type in typescript 
Typescript :: web.contents timeout 
Typescript :: Custom validation for phone-number using class-validator package 
Typescript :: stop camera if it hits edge of room gml 
Typescript :: when a vector in c++ is resized what happens to the elements of the vector 
Typescript :: return n elements from list java 
Typescript :: typescrpt add onject to window namespace 
Typescript :: css how to make a elements of same type start at same height 
Typescript :: typescript type specific strings 
Typescript :: get distinct elements in table psql 
Typescript :: read/write linked lists to file 
Typescript :: verify jwt expiration 
Typescript :: read excel typescript 
Typescript :: typescript class example 
Typescript :: grid implementation html canvas 
Typescript :: connect redis typescript usage 
Typescript :: ts Facade pattern 
Typescript :: How does a consumer commit offsets in Kafka? it directly commit the offset in Zookeeper it directly send a message to the __consumer_offset it interact with the Group coordinator None 
Typescript :: Custom Error Message Class 
Typescript :: find different elements in two matrix python 
Typescript :: how to convert an array of other types in java 8 
Source link
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