Thai : กระเด็น (kradĕn) Chinese : 篮板球 (lánbǎn qiú)
English : bounce off
Example :: bounce off
Chinese : 但它同样引出一个问题,这究竟是暂时脱离谷底的反弹还是新一轮牛市的开始? English : It invites the question: Is this just a bounce off the bottom or the start of a new uptrend?
Chinese : 我将会在下节课,讲到另一些情况,在碰撞过程中,粒子相互反弹。 English : Now, next lecture I will also deal with situations whereby during the collision, the particles bounce off each other.
Chinese : 当X射线在晶体中通过并从原子上反弹时,他们留下衍射图案,可用其分析得到该蛋白三维形状。 English : As the x-rays pass through and bounce off of atoms in the crystal, they leave a diffraction pattern, which can then be analyzed to determine the three-dimensional shape of the protein.