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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ศิวิไลซ์ " คือ ...

Thai : ศิวิไลซ์ (ṣ̄iwilịs̒)
Chinese : 教化 (jiàohuà)

English : civilize
     Simplified Chinese : vt. 使开化;使文明
     Traditional Chinese : vt. 使開化;使文明

Example :: civilize

Chinese : 他们早已放弃了促使芝加哥派开化的打算,他们认为让那群疯狗也参加如此重要的会议是毫无道理的。
English : They had given up trying to civilize Chicago, and they saw no point in including those mad dogs in this important conference.

Chinese : 那项计划本来为的是“教化”土著儿童。
English : The project aimed to "civilize" Aboriginal children.

Chinese : 大自然的精神已经离开了现代的文明人;在我看来,我们正在企图使树木本身也开化了。
English : The spirit of Nature has left the modern civilized man, and it seems to me we are trying to civilize the trees themselves.

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