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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ทำสมาธิ " คือ ...

Thai : ทำสมาธิ (thả s̄māṭhi)
Chinese : 冥想 (míngxiǎng)

English : concentrate
     Simplified Chinese : 浓缩物;浓缩
     Traditional Chinese : 濃縮物;濃縮

Example :: concentrate

Chinese : 他们应该侧重于修整现有的绿化植被,比如草和灌木。
English : They should concentrate on rejuvenating the existing vegetation, like grass and shrubs.

Chinese : 我辞职是为了专心写小说。
English : I am leaving to concentrate on writing fiction.

Chinese : 不能只抓一头,把别的事都撇在一旁。
English : We should not just concentrate on one thing to the neglect of everything else.

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