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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กะเทาะ " คือ ...

Thai : กะเทาะ (katheāa)
Chinese : 皴裂 (cūn liè)

English : crack
     Simplified Chinese : 破裂
     Traditional Chinese : 破裂

Example :: crack

Chinese : 那么,这个裂缝是什么呢?
English : So what is this crack?

Chinese : 不;他透过窗户上的裂缝大声咆哮;瑟瑟发抖的卓别林又被卷入到暴风雪中。
English : No; he snarls through a crack in the window; Chilly Chaplin reels off in the storm. . . .

Chinese : 得到了最大的可检测裂纹尺寸,你们应该要有一个PTS的事件,反应堆,管道会失效吗,或者会有破裂的激发,像是失效的可能性会高得多。
English : And given that maximum detectable flaw size should you have a PTS event would the reactor vessel fail? Or have a crack provocation such that the likelihood of failure would be much higher.

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