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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เลื้อย " คือ ...

Thai : เลื้อย (leụ̄̂xy)
Chinese : 滑行 (huáxíng)

English : crawl
     Simplified Chinese : [vi]., [n].爬行;蠕动;缓慢移动
     Traditional Chinese : [vi]., [n].爬行;蠕動;緩慢移動

Example :: crawl

Chinese : 这些壁虎在温暖潮湿的地方很繁盛,它们到处爬着找小虫吃。
English : These lizards thrive in warm, humid areas where they crawl around in search of insects to eat.

Chinese : 如果机舱里有烟雾,把身体放低到烟雾与有毒气体的下面爬行,这样你能在你离开飞机前保持呼吸。
English : If there's smoke in the cabin, get low and crawl below the level of the smoke and toxic fumes, so you can breathe until you get out of the plane.

Chinese : 那些不愿为他们的数据快速传送付费的人将会待在慢速通道里爬行.
English : Those not willing to pay for their data to be transmitted quickly would be left to crawl in the slow lane.

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