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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ฌาปนกิจ " คือ ...

Thai : ฌาปนกิจ (c̣hāpnkic)
Chinese : 火葬 (huǒzàng)

English : cremation
     Simplified Chinese : [n].焚化;火葬
     Traditional Chinese : [n].焚化;火葬

Example :: cremation

Chinese : 火葬向大气排放的有害物质有:二恶英、水银蒸汽(如果死者有假牙的话)、盐酸、二氧化碳和二氧化硫。
English : Cremation puts harmful gasses into the air including dioxins, mercury vapor from dental fillings, hydrochloric acid,carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

Chinese : 他说:“我认为仅凭这个孩子被烧过的遗骸不能表明它就是被火化的,这些遗骸也有可能表明这个孩子是被烧熟吃掉的。”
English : He said: ‘I don't think that there is any more evidence that the burned remains of the child indicate a cremation than they indicate that the child may have been cooked and eaten.

Chinese : 这种长期趋势(如越来越多的人接受火葬)与经济萧条之间的结合使得一些行业老手考虑转变。
English : Long-term trends (like the growing acceptance of cremation) are coalescing with the down economy to lead some industry veterans to sense a shift.

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