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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การคล้อยตาม " คือ ...

Thai : การคล้อยตาม (kār khl̂xy tām)
Chinese : 结构 (jiégòu)

English : deference
     Simplified Chinese : [n].听从,敬重
     Traditional Chinese : [n].聽從,敬重

Example :: deference

Chinese : 他们发展的第二个美德是顺从敬意,乐意听从其他他们试图帮助的品行端正和智慧的人,并从他们知识宝库中学习。
English : The second virtue they develop is deference, the willingness to listen and learn from the moral and intellectual storehouses of the people you are trying to elp.

Chinese : 这一秩序将美国的主导权和对各国主权及普遍原则、一般规则的尊重和认可融合在一起。
English : It fused American preeminence with respect for the sovereignty of all nations and deference to universal principles and general rules.

Chinese : 他的追随者们对本·拉登非常敬重,提到他都以“酋长”称呼,并仰赖他的每项决定。
English : His followers treated bin Laden with great deference, referring to him as “the sheik,” and hung on his every pronouncement.

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