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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " โมหาคติ " คือ ...

Thai : โมหาคติ (moh̄ākhti)
Chinese : 不耐症 (bù nài zhèng)

English : delusion
     Simplified Chinese : 妄想
     Traditional Chinese : 妄想

Example :: delusion

Chinese : 传说,他在黄昏时征服了所有黑暗的愚痴;
English : At dusk, it is said, he conquered all the dark forces of delusion;

Chinese : 是幻觉,或者错觉,他没有真正的记忆。
English : It's an illusion, or a delusion, but he didn't really have the genuine memory.

Chinese : 这相位激发了灵性课题的兴趣,产生了一定程度的通灵能力,甚至是灵性的欺骗。
English : This aspect stimulates interest in spiritual issues and produces a degree of psychic energy, even spiritual delusion.

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