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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การทุ่มเท " คือ ...

Thai : การทุ่มเท (kār thùmthe)
Chinese : 集结 (jíjié)

English : devotion
     Simplified Chinese : n. 献身;忠实;挚爱;祈祷
     Traditional Chinese : n. 獻身;忠實;摯愛;祈禱

Example :: devotion

Chinese : 他们忠心耿耿地报效与自己的祖国和人民。
English : They serve their motherland and people with loyalty and devotion.

Chinese : 杰出丈夫和亲爱的子女对她忠心耿耿,给了她不少帮助。
English : She was helped by the devotion of a brilliant husband and loving family.

Chinese : 有了奉献和专注,我们可以做我们的工作做得更好。
English : With devotion and focus, we could do our jobs better.

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