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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " วันเว้นวัน " คือ ...

Thai : วันเว้นวัน (wạn wên wạn)
Chinese : 每一天 (měi yītiān)

English : every other day
     Simplified Chinese : 每隔一天
     Traditional Chinese : 每隔一天

Example :: every other day

Chinese : 日野公司每隔一天还收到从日本水运而来的零件。
English : The company typically gets a shipment of gears from Japan every other day.

Chinese : 因为抽水站需要用电,自来水每隔一天才来。
English : There is running water only every other day because the pumping station requires electricity.

Chinese : 每个人都告诉我,要注意吸引中国客户,可我还在学习普通话,每隔一天都要上课。
English : A. Everyone tells me that I need to woo the Chinese client. But I am still learning Mandarin, and take lessons every other day.

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