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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ทำร้าย " คือ ...

Thai : ทำร้าย (thảr̂āy)
Chinese : 攻击 (gōngjí)

English : harm

Example :: harm

Chinese : 这不仅仅是一种直接、立即的伤害,这可是会持续终生的。
English : It is not just the immediate harm; it is something that lasts a lifetime.

Chinese : 她本来可能因为她所经历的伤害而进行残酷的报复。
English : She could have been cruel in revenge for the harm she had experienced.

Chinese : 浪漫主义者说,爱情高于一切,所以用这种方式来享受生活的奢华不会造成什么伤害。
English : Love trumps all, romantics say, so there’s no harm in enjoying some of life’s luxuries along the way.

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