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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ฉีกหน้า " คือ ...

Thai : ฉีกหน้า (c̄hīkh̄n̂ā)
Chinese : 羞辱 (xiūrù)

English : humiliate
     Simplified Chinese : v. 使...丢脸;使...蒙羞;屈辱
     Traditional Chinese : v. 使...丟臉;使...蒙羞;屈辱

Example :: humiliate

Chinese : C:他们为什么会觉得用肢体语言去羞辱别人更安全呢?
English : A:Sometimes people feel safer using body language to intimidate or humiliate others.

Chinese : “你想羞辱你自己,”我爸爸说。
English : “You’re determined to humiliate yourself, ” my father says.

Chinese : 一些排外的媒体控诉美国救援队也将对灾后的日本撒手不管,想羞辱日本。
English : Xenophobic newspapers published accusations that American relief teams were trying to humiliate the Japanese, putting a quick end to the era of good feeling.

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