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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เสลี่ยง " คือ ...

Thai : เสลี่ยง (s̄elī̀yng)
Chinese : 四门轿车 (sì mén jiàochē)

English : litter
     Simplified Chinese : (1)枯枝落叶层,(2)一窝仔畜
     Traditional Chinese : (1)枯枝落葉層,(2)一窩仔畜

Example :: litter

Chinese : 在从醒来的码头那里传来的古老的摩城唱片的歌曲旋律中,他在收集垃圾。
English : To the strains of old Motown songs from the waking-up pier, he is gathering litter.

Chinese : 每次我看到写着“地球优先:然后我们再去摧毁其它星球”的保险杠贴纸,我就会忍不住暗笑,就如同想起那个把垃圾发射到太空去的蠢想法一样。
English : Every time I see a bumper sticker that says “Earth First: We’ll destroy the other planets later, ” I chuckle as I am reminded of what a silly idea shooting our litter into space would be.

Chinese : 汽车是细菌繁殖的最佳场所,尤其是当你在车里吃东西而把垃圾或没吃的食物留在里面的时候。
English : A car is the perfect place for germs to breed, especially if you eat in it and leave litter or uneaten food around.

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