Thai : เครื่องกลไก (kherụ̄̀xngkl kị) Chinese : 机械机构 (jīxiè jīgòu)
English : machinery Simplified Chinese : 机器,机械装置 Traditional Chinese : 機器,機械裝置
Example :: machinery
Chinese : 解决这件事的简单的方法是买一部好的机器,如果你需要,可获得专业性的帮助。 English : The simple solution to this is to buy good machinery, and get professional help tweaking if you need it.
Chinese : 镇静药物会降低你的判断和反应能力。 在做完造影后的当天,你不可以驾车或者操纵机器。 English : Sedatives will affect your judgment and reflexes for the rest of the day, so you should not drive or operate machinery until the next day.
Chinese : 这些水通过一根水管排放到最近的下水道中,通常是在地底,然后连到设计用于从水中分离放射性物质的机器上。 English : The water is removed through a hose to the nearest drain, usually in the floor, that leads to machinery designed to remove radiation from the water.