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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " พิหาร " คือ ...

Thai : พิหาร (phih̄ār)
Chinese : 修道院 (xiūdàoyuàn)

English : monastery
     Simplified Chinese : 寺院
     Traditional Chinese : 寺院

Example :: monastery

Chinese : 沿着蜿蜒流动的河流行走,你也许会见到一所荒废的修道院,曾有世世代代的僧侣们在那儿祈祷和斋戒,或者见到一个依旧吸引着朝圣者的圣地。
English : Walk along a winding river course and you may come upon an abandoned monastery where generations of monks prayed and fasted or a shrine that still draws pilgrims.

Chinese : 于是接下来的一周里他每天晚上都拿着铁锨去修道院的花园里面挖来挖去,但是什么也没找到。
English : Each night for a week, he took a shovel and dug in the monastery gardens, searching for the priest’s treasure. He found nothing.

Chinese : “现在僧侣们能在寺庙中静修并住在那儿,但我们所讲的事可发生在任何寺庙建立之前。” 他说。
English : "Monks can now practice and reside in monasteries, but we're talking about long before the establishment of any monastery, " he said.

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