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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กล้อมแกล้ม " คือ ...

Thai : กล้อมแกล้ม (kl̂xmkæl̂m)
Chinese : 不完全 (bù wánquán)

English : mumble
     Simplified Chinese : 喃喃而言
     Traditional Chinese : 喃喃而言

Example :: mumble

Chinese : 阿美:(喃喃自语)我想像她一样。
English : May: (Mumble) I want to be like her.

Chinese : 当我问及1984年饥荒时他们有多依赖他们的紧急仓库时,他们都垂下了脑袋,嗫嚅着,到了最后,完全没了声音,泪水夺眶而出。
English : When I ask how much they had to rely on their emergency store during the famine of 1984, they bow their heads and mumble a response before falling completely silent, their eyes welling with tears.

Chinese : 当西方国家领导人访问莫斯科、利雅得和【敏感词】的时候,对人权问题他们只是含糊其辞。
English : When Western leaders visit Moscow, Riyadh or Beijing, they merely mumble about human rights.

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