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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความโน้มเอียง " คือ ...

Thai : ความโน้มเอียง (khwām nôm xeīyng)
Chinese : 倾角 (qīngjiǎo)

English : propensity
     Simplified Chinese : 倾向
     Traditional Chinese : 傾向

Example :: propensity

Chinese : 频率解释和性向解释都属于现代归纳逻辑理论中的客观解释。
English : The frequency interpretation and the propensity interpretation belong to the objective interpretation of modern inductive logic.

Chinese : 风险感知一方面容易受到个人认知偏差、风险倾向的影响,另一方面也直接作用于创业决策;
English : Risk perception is influenced by cognitive bias and risk propensity, which have a direct impact on entrepreneurial decision.

Chinese : 但他们知道,过敏症的易感倾向可能与遗传有关。
English : They do know that the propensity for allergies can be genetic.

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