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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " แนวหลัง " คือ ...

Thai : แนวหลัง (næwh̄lạng)
Chinese : 在幕后 (zài mùhòu)

English : rear
     Simplified Chinese : 后部,背面
     Traditional Chinese : 後部,背面

Example :: rear

Chinese : 我的身体就是一个后方有着充足停车位的神殿。
English : My body is a temple with ample parking in the rear.

Chinese : 随着第一个敲击声的落下,随着鼓声在舞台后方鸣鸣作响,我知道,我达成了童年时想成为“乐队指挥”的目标,哪怕只是一小会,哪怕只是指挥一首小乐曲。
English : And with the first down beat, the drums roaring at the rear of the stage, I knew I'd reached that childhood goal of being "the leader of the band," if only for a moment, if only for a single piece.

Chinese : 不连续的视频显示厢式货车将王悦撞倒,因为王悦在车子底下,司机短暂的停留了一下,然后继续行驶,后方轮胎缓慢辗过小女孩的身体。
English : The disturbing video shows the van knocking the girl over. The driver briefly stops with the girl underneath the van, before continuing on, its rear tires slowly rolling over her small body.

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