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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " กะบัง " คือ ...

Thai : กะบัง (kabạng)
Chinese : 隔膜 (gémó)

English : shield
     Simplified Chinese : 罩,屏蔽,防护物
     Traditional Chinese : 罩,屏蔽,防護物

Example :: shield

Chinese : 用合适的工具压出夹紧垫圈,并拆下罩和带铆钉螺栓的屏蔽罩。
English : Press off clamping washers with a suitable tool, remove shield and shield cover with rivet bolt.

Chinese : 他用一只旧口袋挡住头顶的阳光。
English : He shielded his head from the sun with an old sack

Chinese : 研究结果可为泥岩盾构隧道工程的施工及监控量测提供参考。
English : The results can provide references to construction and field measurement of mudstone shield tunnel.

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