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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ตบ " คือ ...

Thai : ตบ (tb)
Chinese : 拍击 (pāi jī)

English : slap

Example :: slap

Chinese : 它就像是在我脸上闪了一巴掌似的唤醒了我。
English : It was like a slap in the face-a wake up call.

Chinese : 当她拒绝和他出去吃晚饭时,对他真是一记耳光。
English : It was a real slap in the facefor him when she refused to go out to dinner with him.

Chinese : 要是你像他那样对我说话,我会扇你耳光的。
English : If you talked to me the way he does I would slap your face.

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