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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เหนอะ " คือ ...

Thai : เหนอะ (h̄enxa)
Chinese : 哦,所以 (ó, suǒyǐ)

English : sticky
     Simplified Chinese : 胶粘的,粘性的
     Traditional Chinese : 膠粘的,粘性的

Example :: sticky

Chinese : 你需要食物,特别是甜食和粘性食物,你口腔中的细菌就会利用它产酸并损害牙釉质(牙齿表面光亮的那一层)。
English : You need food, particularly sweet and sticky food, for the bacteria in your mouth to produce acids that will attack the tooth enamel (outer surface of the tooth).

Chinese : 我希望你这次将清除掉你抽屉中所有的黏糊糊的旧糖纸和空信封。
English : I hope you will clean out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.

Chinese : 软橡皮图章的粘性表面“吸附起硅电池,” 他说,“这样软橡皮图章就附上了这些硅电池。
English : The sticky surface of the stamp “picks up the cells, ” he said, “and now your stamp is inked with these silicon cells.

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