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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " การคน " คือ ...

Thai : การคน (kār khn)
Chinese : 轰动 (hōngdòng)

English : stirring
     Simplified Chinese : 搅拌
     Traditional Chinese : 攪拌

Example :: stirring

Chinese : 一个激动人心的答案就要脱口而出,但他还是让妻子继续。
English : He felt the stirring of an answer, but let his wife continue.

Chinese : 戈尔为我的总统政绩做了激动人心的辩护,迪克慷慨激昂地恳请共和党人停止这场人身攻击式的政治手段:把精力转移到国家大事上来。
English : Al Gore gave a stirring defense of my record as President, and Dick made an impassioned plea to the Republicans to stop the politics of personal destruction and get on with the nations business.

Chinese : 以此同时,新型大女子主义的出现,激起人们的焦虑和间或的恐惧。
English : At the same time, a new kind of alpha female has appeared, stirring up anxiety and, occasionally, fear.

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