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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความยากลำบาก " คือ ...

Thai : ความยากลำบาก (khwām yāk lảbāk)
Chinese : 苦 (kǔ)

English : difficulty
     Simplified Chinese : n. 困难;麻烦
     Traditional Chinese : n. 困難;麻煩

Example :: difficulty

Chinese : 同志有困难当然要帮助。
English : It goes without saying that we should help a comrade in difficulty.

Chinese : 有传闻称银行现在处境艰难。
English : Rumours spread about banks being in difficulty.

Chinese : 小孩子很难理解死亡的不可改变性。
English : Young children have difficulty grasping the finality of death

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