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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ความทุกข์ยาก " คือ ...

Thai : ความทุกข์ยาก (khwām thukk̄h̒ yāk)
Chinese : 苦难 (kǔnàn)

English : hardship
     Simplified Chinese : [n].受苦,苦难
     Traditional Chinese : [n].受苦,苦難

Example :: hardship

Chinese : 在那艰苦岁月里,他们是靠节衣缩食才勉强活了下来。
English : In those days of hardship, they managed to survive only by pulling in their belts.

Chinese : 但是有一两个月的时间考虑考虑,并不是苦事,这是天赐之福。
English : But a couple of months to think it over is no hardship, it's a godsend.

Chinese : 你能承受任何苦难。
English : You can endure any hardship.

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