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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " รถเข็น " คือ ...

Thai : รถเข็น (rt̄h k̄hĕn)
Chinese : 购物车 (gòuwù chē)

English : wheelbarrow
     Simplified Chinese : 独轮小车
     Traditional Chinese : 獨輪小車

Example :: wheelbarrow

Chinese : 园丁把死掉的植物放到他的手推车上。
English : The gardener put the dead plants in his wheelbarrow.

Chinese : 孩子们装载了太多的沙;手推车边走边往外流。
English : The children had loaded on too much sand; the wheelbarrow was brimming over.

Chinese : 我穿上笨重的鞋,推出我的手推车。
English : I put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow.

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