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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เอ้อระเหย " คือ ...

Thai : เอ้อระเหย (xêxrah̄ey)
Chinese : 面包 (miànbāo)

English : leisurely
     Simplified Chinese : adj. 悠闲的;从容的
     Traditional Chinese : adj. 悠閒的;從容的

Example :: leisurely

Chinese : 据设计者说,一次“悠闲的巡航”,通过行李架上这个小发电机,能产生30瓦特能量,并储存在肥皂大小可移动的电池组内。
English : According to the designers, a "leisurely cruise" produces 30 watts of juice, via the small dynamo in the rack, captured in a soap-size removable battery pack.

Chinese : 他说卡斯帕罗夫“在压力状态下比较活跃”,这种悠然的速度可能会使他下棋的进攻性弱一些。
English : Kasparov, he says, "thrives on pressure situations" and may play less aggressive chess at a leisurely pace. Let's hope so.

Chinese : 两周以后,这些高强度间歇训练者,总共进行了不到20分钟的高强度训练,他们的有氧能量增加程度已经和那些悠闲的骑了超过10小时的人相同了。
English : After two weeks, the H.I.T. riders, with less than 20 minutes of hard effort behind them, had increased their aerobic capacity as much as riders who had pedaled leisurely for more than 10 hours.

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