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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " ผู้จัดการฝ่ายการตลาด " คือ ...

Thai : ผู้จัดการฝ่ายการตลาด (p̄hū̂cạdkār f̄̀āy kār tlād)
Chinese : 营销经理 (yíngxiāo jīnglǐ)

English : marketing manager

Example :: marketing manager

Chinese : abb机器人公司负责英国及爱尔兰的销售及营销经理奈杰尔普拉特(nigel platt)说,他的公司曾帮助客户执行挑选员工担任机器人技术员的棘手任务。
English : Nigel Platt, sales and marketing manager at ABB robotics UK and Ireland, says his company has assisted clients in the tricky task of picking workers to become robot technicians.

Chinese : 理查德是医药公司化妆品分部的行销经理。
English : Richard was a marketing manager of the cosmetics division of the Drug Company.

Chinese : 他当前是IPS Global Services组织的解决方案营销经理,主要研究MDM解决方案。
English : Currently he is a Solutions Marketing Manager for the IPS Global Services organization, specializing in MDM solutions.

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