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แปลภาษาไทย-จีน-อังกฤษ : ความหมายของ " เหตุขัดข้อง " คือ ...

Thai : เหตุขัดข้อง (h̄etu k̄hạdk̄ĥxng)
Chinese : 梗阻 (gěngzǔ)

English : obstruction
     Simplified Chinese : 障碍,妨碍,干扰
     Traditional Chinese : 障礙,妨礙,幹擾

Example :: obstruction

Chinese : 在十年中我们诊治了82例继发于转移性肿瘤的输尿管梗阻患者。
English : During a ten year period, 82 patients with ureteral obstruction secondary to metastatic disease, were seen.

Chinese : 在那里,我们遭遇了更多官僚障碍。
English : There, we were hit with more bureaucratic obstruction.

Chinese : 格斯特先生因为将他们拒之门外,现在面临妨碍公务的刑事指控。
English : Mr Guest refused to let them in and now faces a criminal charge of obstruction.

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