a= "PowerBI"
b= "Tableau"
c= "Salesforce"
d = "SAP"
e = "Python"
print ("Five most popular technology softwares:" ,(a) , (b), (c), (d), (e))
a= 14
d =10
e= 65
print( int(a), int(b), int(c), int(d), int(e))
a= 34
print (float(a), float(b), float(c), float(d), float(e))
a= "Rao"
b = 2018
c =39
d = "netizen"
e = "pyhton"
f = 2022
g= 32
h= "but looks he is only"
print(str(a), "is such a handsome guy, he is only," ,int(c), str(h), int(g), str(a),
"calls himself", str(d), "his favourite programming language is", str(e), str(a),
"landed in Canada in", int(b), "but in", int(f), "he is optimisitc that he "
"will become Canadian Citizen"
name= "Shani"
height = 180
f'' "he said his alias is {name}"
name = 'Shani'
age = 36
height =185
nationality = "Netizen"
print( f'{name} is handsome', f'and {name} claims that his nationality is ' f'{nationality}',
'and height of', f'{name} is ' f'{height}')
a = "Emirates Air lines"
b = "Air Bus"
c = "A"
d= "Air Bus A-380"
ton = "tons"
model = 380
weight = 620
capacity = 525
No_of_people = "passengers"
launch_yr = 1990
No_of_engines = 4
water_draw = 2.5
Maintain = 7.4
Avg_seat_width = 44.5
wingspan = 79.8
print (f'{a}, is the biggest airline in the world who also owns', f'{b} {c} {model}. '
, f'it is interesting to note that {d} has weight of {weight} {ton} and capacity of {capacity} {No_of_people}'
f' and it was launched in {launch_yr}. it has water draw of {water_draw}{ton}. '
f'It maintains distance of {Maintain} Km with other {d}. The average seat width is {Avg_seat_width} cm. '
f'Average wingspan is {wingspan} cm. {d} has {No_of_engines} number of engines.')
if capacity==525:
print ("Passenger Capacity of Air Bus A 380 is True")
a= input("Please Enter Your Nationality:")
print("Nice to meet you", (a) )
a = input(" Enter your First Name: ")
b = input("Enter your Last Name: ")
c = input("If you are 18 years above then Enter your age: ")
d = input("Enter your City: ")
print("Welcome to Online Mart :", (a), (b))
a= "Amazon is the biggest online ecommerce on this planet" [::-1]
a= input("Enter the First number of your choice: ")
b= input("Enter the Second number of your choice: ")
print("Your Number of Choice before swapping", a)
print("Your Number of Choice after swapping", b)
a,b =b,a
print("New Value of your First number of choice after swapping is: ", a)
print("New Value of your Second number of choice after swapping is: ", b)
import sys
a= input("Write something which you want to display in size")
print("The memory size of what you typed is :" ,(sys.getsizeof(a)))
a= input("Please type what you want to print 5 times")
b = a * 5
a= "Hello! Is it me you are looking for?"
g = a.split()
Brand, Model, Year, Location = input("Enter Brand, Model, Year and Location : ").split()
print(f'Brand is:', {Brand})
print(f'Model is:', {Model})
print(f'Year is: ', {Year})
print(f'Location is:', {Location})
to manipulate memory address easily, wecan attach a name to the memory address for variables
any variable starting with number