using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI; //using the unity AI system to move the projectile to the enemy using NavMeshAgent
public class missileMovement : MonoBehaviour //name of the script
GameObject enemy;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start() //can also be used in Awake()
enemy = GameObject.Find("BadGuy"); //find the object tagged with a name, in this instance its "BadGuy"
GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>().SetDestination(enemy.transform.position); // gets the component of the projectile
//and then setting its destination to follow the position of the enemy
//you can add anything you want after this, in general this script has to be on the projectile prefab itself.
void Update()
GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>().SetDestination(enemy.transform.position); // gets the component of the projectile
//and then setting its destination to follow the position of the enemy