<!--If the image is in the same folder as the HTML file--><!--Always add the image type (png; jpg; etc)--><imgsrc="your-image.png"alt="Description of the image"width="Width you want your image to be"height="Height you want your image to be"><!--If the image is in a diffrent folder than the HTML file--><!--Always add the image type (png; jpg; etc)--><imgsrc="../path to image folder/image folder/your-image.png"alt="Description of the image"width="Width you want your image to be"height="Height you want your image to be"><!--How this works--><!-- src - Path to the image --><!-- alt - if the image doesn't load this is shown instead of it --><!-- width - Width of the image --><!-- height - Height of the image -->
<!DOCTYPEhtml><html><head><title>How To Put Images Into HTML</title><metacharset="UTF-8"></head><body><imgsrc="YourImageName.YourImageFileType"></body></html>
<!--When the image is in the same folder as your html file--><imgsrc="example.jpg"><!--When the image is in a image folder--><imgsrc="./image/example.jpg">
The <img> tag will help you add image in html coding... it contains attributes:
1) src - usage <imgsrc="">, it states the source of the image..
2) alt - usage <imgsrc=""alt=""> it is the alternative text if you image failed to load...
Thank you and HAPPY CODING.
Feel free to give a upvote.. ^^
<imgsrc="[image link here]"alt="[alt text here]"><!-- the src attribute defines an image link--><!-- the alt attribute shows text when the browser cannot show the image--><!-- When using semantics, the <img> should be surrounded by <figure> elements.--><figure><imgsrc="link.jpg"alt="an image"></figure>
// blah blah blah
<imgsrc="insert image link here"width="how wide you want it to be"height="how tall you want it to be">
//replace the "how X you want it to be" with any number