react useeffect async
const MyFunctionnalComponent : React . FC = props => {
useEffect ( ( ) => {
( async function anyNameFunction ( ) {
await loadContent ( ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
return < div> < / div> ;
} ;
async in useeffect
useEffect ( ( ) => {
( async ( ) => {
const products = await api. index ( )
setFilteredProducts ( products)
setProducts ( products)
} ) ( )
} , [ ] )
async await useeffect react
const [ users, setUsers] = useState ( [ ] ) ;
useffect ( ( ) => {
const getUsers = async ( ) => {
let response = await fetch ( '/users' ) ;
let data = await response. json ( ) ;
setUsers ( data) ;
} ;
getUsers ( ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
how to use async await inside useeffect
useEffect ( ( ) => {
async function fetchData ( ) {
try {
const response = await fetch (
` ${ subreddit} .json `
) ;
const json = await response. json ( ) ;
setPosts ( json. data . children . map ( it => it. data ) ) ;
} catch ( e) {
console . error ( e) ;
} ;
fetchData ( ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
Using async in UseEffect
useEffect ( ( ) => {
const getUsers = async ( ) => {
const users = await fetchUsers ( ) ;
setUsers ( users) ;
} ;
getUsers ( ) ;
return ( ) => {
} ;
} , [ ] ) ;
async in useeffect
function myApp ( ) {
const [ data, setdata] = useState ( )
useEffect ( ( ) => {
async function fetchMyAPI ( ) {
const response = await fetch ( 'api/data' )
response = await response. json ( )
setdata ( response)
fetchMyAPI ( )
} , [ ] )
useeffect async await
const getUsers = async ( ) => {
const users = await axios. get ( '' ) ;
setUsers ( users. data . results ) ;
} ;
useEffect ( ( ) => {
getUsers ( ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
async useeffect
useEffect ( ( ) => {
( async function anyNameFunction ( ) { await loadContent ( ) ; } ) ( ) ;
} , [ ] ) ;
using async function in useEffect
function Example ( ) {
const [ data, dataSet] = useState< any> ( null )
useEffect ( ( ) => {
async function fetchMyAPI ( ) {
let response = await fetch ( 'api/data' )
response = await response. json ( )
dataSet ( response)
fetchMyAPI ( )
} , [ ] )
return < div> { JSON . stringify ( data) } < / div>
async useEffect
function OutsideUsageExample ( ) {
const [ data, dataSet] = useState< any> ( null )
const fetchMyAPI = useCallback ( async ( ) => {
let response = await fetch ( 'api/data' )
response = await response. json ( )
dataSet ( response)
} , [ ] )
useEffect ( ( ) => {
fetchMyAPI ( )
} , [ fetchMyAPI] )
return (
< div>
< div> data: { JSON . stringify ( data) } < / div>
< div>
< button onClick= { fetchMyAPI} > manual fetch< / button>
< / div>
< / div>
Using useEffect with async
useFocusEffect (
useCallback ( ( ) => {
let dbRef;
let didCleanup = false ;
( async ( ) => {
try {
const user = JSON . parse ( await AsyncStorage . getItem ( "user" ) ) ;
if ( ! didCleanup && user. uid ) {
dbRef = ref ( dbDatabase, "/activity/" + user. uid ) ;
onValue ( query ( dbRef, limitToLast ( 20 ) ) , ( snapshot ) => {
console . log ( snapshot. val ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( error) {
} ) ( ) ;
return ( ) => {
didCleanup = true ;
if ( dbRef) {
off ( dbRef) ;
} ;
} , [ ] )
) ;
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