const fill = new Array(5).fill(0)
console.log(fill) // [ 0,0,0,0,0]
let filledArray = new Array(10).fill({'hello':'goodbye'});
const products=["watch", "pc", "mouse", "keyboard"];
var array = [item1, item2, .....];
item1 and item2 could be a string (which is
a letter written in double or single quotes like this "string" or 'string') or
a number (which is just a normal number on the keypad) or a boolean (which is
an experssion which either returns to true of false) and the ..... means that
the inputs can be infinite.
const fruits = [
// array is a single variable that is used to store different many of elements.
declare Array :
First you have to write var.
then you have to write a meaningful name.
then you have to give an equal sign.
then you have to give a third bracket.
then you have to give a single quotation inter the third bracket.
then you have to give a element inter the single quotation.
then you have to give a comma.
then you have to give a semicolon out of the third bracket .
example :
var friendsName = ['habib', 'iqbal', 'shorif', 'asraful', 'rasel', 'arif', 'deader' ];
program arrayProg
real :: numbers(5) !one dimensional real array
integer :: matrix(3,3), i , j !two dimensional integer array
!assigning some values to the array numbers
do i=1,5
numbers(i) = i * 2.0
end do
!display the values
do i = 1, 5
Print *, numbers(i)
end do
!assigning some values to the array matrix
do i=1,3
do j = 1, 3
matrix(i, j) = i+j
end do
end do
!display the values
do i=1,3
do j = 1, 3
write(*,*) matrix(i,j)
end do
end do
!short hand assignment
numbers = (/1.5, 3.2,4.5,0.9,7.2 /)
!display the values
do i = 1, 5
write(*,*) numbers(i)
end do
end program arrayProg
Code Example |
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