char *string_toupper(char *s)
int i;
while( s[i] != '' )
// if character is in lowercase
// then subtract 32
if( s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'z' )
s[i] = s[i] - 32;
// increase iterator variable
return (s);
using namespace std;
int main()
string str="Hello World";
int i;
cout<<"The String is:
cout<<"String after uppercase lowercase modification:
for(i=0; i < str.length(); i++)
//if its uppercase add to its Ascii code 32 to make lowercase
if(str[i]>='A' && str[i]<='Z')
// else if its lowercase subtract 32 to make it upper case
else if(str[i]>='a' && str[i]<='z')
// else if its a space or symbol for example just print it as is
else cout<<str[i];
//the reason this works is that the distance in Ascii from uppercase to lowercase
//is standard and constant
return 0;
Code Example |
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C :: fwrite c |
C :: integer in c |
C :: open a file in from terminal |
C :: how to debug a segmentation fault in c |
C :: size of operator in c language |
C :: c defined value sum |
C :: pointer in c |
C :: Regex to match any character being repeated more than 10 times |
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C :: yt derived field |
C :: c atoi atof |
C :: obstacle avoiding robot in c++ program |
C :: spacemacs start server |
C :: print in c 11111 00000 11111 00000 11111 |
C :: Fibonacci program c pthread |
C :: how to link flexslider |
C :: ejemplo c holamundo |
C :: how to output in green in c |
C :: arcolinux |
C :: como hacer para que una salida en linux aparezca de poco en poco |
C :: if statement shortcut c |
C :: How to set bit in float number in C |
C :: c bind str and int |
C :: why return 0 is written at the code end? |
C :: what to do after gan training |
C :: how to get a string input in c |
C :: c variable |
C :: how to do add to an integrr in c |
Dart :: navigator.pushandremoveuntil flutter |