

getopt optstr

It is just a string, and each character of this string represents an option. If this option requires an argument, you have to follow the option character by :.

For example, "cdf:g" accepts the options c, d, f, and g; f requires an additional argument.

An option in command line looks like -option, so you can use the options -c, -d, -f argument and -g.

Code Example
C :: C linked sorted lists 
C :: how we can strore a nested structure values in arrays 
C :: cum creez un nou nod how to create a new node 
C :: wap in c to input n numbers in an array, find out the sum of odd nos. and even nos. display the numbers whose sum is high. 
C :: bash sed crop cut file line number 
C :: manasa loves maths solution IN C 
C :: ::template 
C :: convert curl to http request with authorization header 
C :: obby übersetzung 
C :: creating an array of arrays or 2D array dynamically 
C :: resize vm boot disk with empty space 
C :: C static libraries (creating archive from object files) 
C :: bit wise operation 
C :: C temporary files 
C :: c ternary operator 
C :: download file by command line windows 
C :: printf n characters c 
Dart :: remove number count in textfield flutter 
Dart :: asset image in circle avatar flutter 
Dart :: datetime dart format print 
Dart :: flutter textformfield decimal 
Dart :: dart timestamp 
Dart :: how to hide notficition bar in flutter 
Dart :: flutter analyze apk size 
Dart :: cross icon flutter 
Dart :: flutter compare dates 
Dart :: dart convert int string leading zeros 
Dart :: image from assets in flutter 
Dart :: foreach loop in list in dart 
Dart :: dart date add year 
Source link
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