

return array from function c++

#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 
int* fun() 
    int* arr = new int[100]; 
    /* Some operations on arr[] */
    arr[0] = 10; 
    arr[1] = 20; 
    return arr; 
int main() 
    int* ptr = fun(); 
    cout << ptr[0] << " " << ptr[1]; 
    return 0; 

cpp return array

int * fillarr(int arr[], int length){
   for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i){
      // arr[i] = ? // do what you want to do here
   return arr;

// then where you want to use it.
int main(){
int arr[5];
int *arr2;

arr2 = fillarr(arr, 5);

// at this point, arr & arr2 are basically the same, just slightly
// different types.  You can cast arr to a (char*) and it'll be the same.

Code Example
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Cpp :: how to use custom array in c++ 
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Cpp :: set size in c++ 
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Cpp :: c++ little endian or big endian 
Cpp :: vector::at() || Finding element with given position using vector in C++ 
Cpp :: c++ custom hash 
Cpp :: c++ insert hashmap 
Cpp :: clear map in C++ 
Cpp :: compare function in c++ 
Source link
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