dart language use of or , and operators
pretty simple, let me;
you have 3 numbers, you want 1th number to be equal 2th number or 2th number to be equal 3th number
if(number1 == number2 or number2 == number3) {
return 1;
we wanted the 1st number and the 2nd number to be equal,
or the 2nd number and the 3rd number to be equal.
either we can expect the 1st number and the 2nd number to be equal
and the 2nd number to the 3rd number to be equal,
so the 3 numbers must be in a similar state at the same time
if(number1 == number2 and number2 == number3) {
return 1;
actually all we 'do' is write and instead of or
if I talk about the syntax in a simple way;
if(1th condition and, or 2th condition) {
return 1;