

Structure of s void function

void FunctionName (Type1 FormalParameter1, Type2 FormalParameter2,
TypeN FormalParameterN)

1. A return statement is not used since a void fucntion does not return any value. 

Structure below is used to call the fucntion: 

FunctionName(ActualParameter1, ActualParameter2, ..., ActualParameterN );

- When the function is called, the value of ActualParameter1 is copied to FormalParameter1,
the value of ActualParameter2 to FormalParameter2, etc. 
- C++ is very precise about this. 
- The transfer of values between the actual and formal parameters always takes the order into account. 
- In other words, the first actual parameter always goes to the first formal parameter, and so on.
- As a result, there must always be the same number of actual parameters in the calling statement as the number of formal parameters in the function header, 
and their types must match, otherwise C++ will give an error message.

Code Example
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Cpp :: Processing a string- CodeChef Solution in CPP 
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Cpp :: inversed priority queue 
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Cpp :: opencv read gif c++ 
Cpp :: passing a 2d array cpp 
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Cpp :: vector remove class 
Cpp :: delete a head node in link list 
Cpp :: while loop c++ 
Cpp :: Arduino Counting without Millis 
Cpp :: computer vision libraries c++ 
Cpp :: how to find maximum value in c++ 
C :: docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]]. 
C :: conio.h linux 
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C :: types of instruction and there meaning in c 
C :: how to genrate a random number in C 
C :: c program 
C :: printf type format 
C :: mutex c 
C :: matrix multiplication in c 
C :: append to list in c 
Source link
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