

blazor clientside cookies

using Microsoft.JSInterop;

namespace MyProject.Utils
    public interface ICookie
        public Task SetValue(string key, string value, int? days = null);
        public Task<string> GetValue(string key, string def = "");

    public class Cookie : ICookie
        readonly IJSRuntime JSRuntime;
        string expires = "";

        public Cookie(IJSRuntime jsRuntime)
            JSRuntime = jsRuntime;
            ExpireDays = 300;

        public async Task SetValue(string key, string value, int? days = null)
            var curExp = (days != null) ? (days > 0 ? DateToUTC(days.Value) : "") : expires;
            await SetCookie($"{key}={value}; expires={curExp}; path=/");

        public async Task<string> GetValue(string key, string def = "")
            var cValue = await GetCookie();
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cValue)) return def;                

            var vals = cValue.Split(';');
            foreach (var val in vals)
                if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(val) && val.IndexOf('=') > 0)
                    if(val.Substring(1, val.IndexOf('=') - 1).Trim().Equals(key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        return val.Substring(val.IndexOf('=') + 1);
            return def;

        private async Task SetCookie(string value)
            await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("eval", $"document.cookie = "{value}"");

        private async Task<string> GetCookie()
            return await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<string>("eval", $"document.cookie");

        public int ExpireDays
            set => expires = DateToUTC(value);

        private static string DateToUTC(int days) => DateTime.Now.AddDays(days).ToUniversalTime().ToString("R");

Code Example
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