

c sharp

1   :-  Explain difference between .NET and C# ?
2   :-  .NET Framework vs .NET Core vs .NET 5.0
3   :-  What is IL ( Intermediate Language) Code ?
4   :-  What is the use of JIT ( Just in time compiler) ?
5   :-  Is it possible to view IL code ?
6   :-  What is the benefit of compiling in to IL code ?
7   :-  Does .NET support multiple programming languages ?
8   :-  What is CLR ( Common Language Runtime) ?
9   :-  What is managed and unmanaged code ?
10  :-  Explain the importance of Garbage collector ?
11  :-  Can garbage collector claim unmanaged objects ?
12  :-  What is the importance of CTS ?
13  :-  Explain CLS ?
14  :-  Difference between Stack vs Heap ?
15  :-  What are Value types & Reference types?
16  :-  Explain boxing and unboxing ?
17  :-  What is consequence of boxing and unboxing ?
18  :-  Explain casting, implicit casting and explicit casting ?
19  :-  What can happen during explicit casting ?
20  :-  Differentiate between Array and ArrayList ?
21  :-  Whose performance is better array or arraylist ?
22  :-  What are generic collections ?
23  :-  What are threads (Multithreading)?
24  :-  How are threads different from TPL ?
25  :-  How do we handle exceptions in C#(try/catch)?
26  :-  What is the need of finally?
27  :-  Why do we need the out keyword ?
28  :-  What is the need of Delegates ?
29  :-  What are events ?
30  :-  What's the difference between Abstract class and interface ?
31  :-  What is a delegate and How to create a delegate ?
32  :-  Where have you used delegates ?
33  :-  What is a Multicast delegates ?
34  :-  What is a Event ?
35  :-  How to create a event ?
36  :-  Delegate vs Events.
37  :-  Why do we need OOP ?
38  :-  What are the important pillars of OOPs ?
39  :-  What is a class and object ?
40  :-  Abstraction vs Encapsulation?
41  :-  Explain Inheritance ?
42  :-  Explain virtual keyword ?
43  :-  What is overriding ?
44  :-  Explain overloading ?
45  :-  Overloading vs Overriding ?
46  :-  What is polymorphism ?
47  :-  Can polymorphism work with out inheritance ?
48  :-  Explain static vs dynamic polymorphism ?
49  :-  Explain operator overloading ?
50  :-  Why do we need Abstract classes ?
51  :-  Are Abstract methods virtual ?
52  :-  Can we create a instance of Abstract classes ?
53  :-  Is it compulsory to implement Abstract methods ?
54  :-  Why simple base class replace Abstract class ?
55  :-  Explain interfaces and why do we need it ?
56  :-  Can we write logic in interface ?
57  :-  Can we define methods as private in interface ?
58  :-  If i want to change interface what's the best practice ?
59  :-  Explain Multiple inheritance in Interface ?
60  :-  Explain Interface Segregation principle ?
61  :-  Can we create instance of interface ?
62  :-  Can we do Multiple inheritance with Abstract classes ?
63  :-  Difference between Abstract Class & Interfaces?
64  :-  Why do we need constructors ?
65  :-  In parent child which constructor fires first ?
66  :-  How are initializers executed ?
67  :-  How are static constructors executed in Parent child ?
68  :-  When does static constructor fires ?
69  :-  What is Shadowing?
70  :-  Explain method hiding?
71  :-  Shadowing vs Overriding ?
72  :-  When do we need Shadowing ?
73  :-  Explain Sealed Classes ?
74  :-  Can we create instance of sealed classes ?
75  :-  What are nested classes and when to use them ?
76  :-  Can Nested class access outer class variables ?
77  :-  Can we have public, protected access modifiers in nested class ?
78  :-  Explain Partial classes ?
79  :-  In What scenarios do we use partial classes ?
80  :-  What is SOLID ?
81  :-  What is the full form of SOLID ?
82  :-  What is the goal of SOLID ?
83  :-  Explain SRP with A example ?
84  :-  What is the benefit of SRP ?
85  :-  Explain OCP with a example ?
86  :-  What is the  benefit of OCP ?
87  :-  Can you explain LISKOV Principle and it's violation?
88  :-  How can we fix LISKOV Problem ?
89  :-  Explain Interface Segregation Principle ?
90  :-  Is there a connection between LISKOV and ISP ?
91  :-  Define dependency inversion ?
92  :-  What is higher level module and lower level module ?
93  :-  How does dependency inversion benefit, show with an example ?
94  :-  Will only Dependency inversion solve decoupling problem ?
95  :-  Why do developers  move object creation outside high lever module ?
96  :-  Explain IOC ( Inversion of Control) ?
97  :-  Explain Dependency Injection with an example ?
98  :-  Is SOLID, IOC and DI design pattern or Principle?
99  :-  Is only SOLID Enough for good code/ architecture ?

c sharp

using System;

class Program
	static void Main(string[] args)
    	Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

Code Example
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Csharp :: what is the default value for an enum c# 
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Csharp :: How to put a (new line) inside a list box 
Csharp :: return every digit on a string c# 
Csharp :: 1.1 w 
Csharp :: How to read key from web config in JavaScript 
Csharp :: how to display only date from datetime in mvc view 
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