

remove character from string C#

// our string
string myString = "";

// lets remove the @ symbol
// here we replace our "@" in our string to an empty string 
string newString = myString.Replace("@", string.empty);
// output should look like this:

c# string remove

//using System;
string myString = "Hello Grepper Developers";

/*Removing all characters starting from a position*/
string newStr = myString.Remove(5);
	//remove all characters from string after position 5
	//Output: Hello

/*Removes a specified number of characters after starting from a position*/
string newStr2 = myString.Remove(5, 8); 
	//start from position 5 of string and remove next 8 characters
	//Output: Hello Developers

c# remove character from string at index

string s = "This is string";
s = s.Remove(2, 1);
//Output: Ths is string

string s = "This is string";
s = s.Remove(2, 2);
//Output: Th is string

c# remove char from string

// How to replace a char in string with an Empty character
string num = "1234-1234-1234-1234";
num = num.Replace("-", " ");
// result: 1234 1234 1234 1234

// How to remove a char in string
string num = "1234-1234-1234-1234";
num = num.Replace("-", string.Empty);
// result: 1234123412341234

c# Remove String In C#

//The following example removes all characters from a string that are after 25th position in the string.

string founder = "Mahesh Chand is a founder of C# Corner";  
// Remove all characters after first 25 chars  
string first25 = founder.Remove(25);  
//************************************   ^_*
//The following example removes 12 characters from the 10th position in the string.

// Remove characters start at the 10th position, next 12 characters  
String newStr = founder.Remove(10, 12);  

remove substring from string c#

string hello = "Hello Word";
string result = hello.Replace("lo Wo","");

remove control characters from string c#

string input; // this is your input string
string output = new string(input.Where(c => !char.IsControl(c)).ToArray());

Code Example
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Source link
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