box-shadow:0-1px00red;/* Border top */box-shadow:1px000red;/* Border right */box-shadow:01px00red;/* Border bottom */box-shadow:-1px000red;/* Border left */box-shadow:0001pxred;/* All the borders by using the spread properties */
/* offset-x | offset-y | color */box-shadow:60px-16pxteal;/* offset-x | offset-y | blur-radius | color */box-shadow:10px5px5pxblack;/* offset-x | offset-y | blur-radius | spread-radius | color */box-shadow:2px2px2px1pxrgba(0,0,0,0.2);/* Any number of shadows, separated by commas */box-shadow:3px3pxred,-1em00.4emolive;
box-shadow: none|h-offset - v-offset - blur - spread - color - |inset|initial|inherit;box-shadow:10px10px8px10px#888888;box-shadow:5px10px inset;box-shadow:5px5pxblue,10px10pxred,15px15pxgreen;(spread: Optional. The spread radius. A positive value increases the size of the shadow,
a negative value decreases the size of the shadow)(inset: Optional. Changes the shadow from an outer shadow (outset) to an inner shadow)
box-shadow: horizontal-offset | vertical-offset | blur-distance | spread-of-shadow | color
Horizontal offset: Negative values position the shadow to the left of the box.
Vertical offset: Negative values position the shadow to the top of the box.
Blur distance: If omitted, the shadow is a solid line like a border.
Spread of shadow: Positive value will cause shadow to expand in all directions, and negative value will make it contract.